SyMan by Roy Wood ©1992-1994 Silicon Angst Software Roy Wood 122 Britannia Avenue London, Ontario CANADA N6H 2J5 (416) 694-5927 This is a demonstration copy of SyMan, not a legally registered copy. To receive a legal copy, send $25 to the address listed above (please make cheques out to “Roy Wood”). Site licenses are available, of course. Silicon Angst Software offers a cash reward for information leading to the conviction of individuals or groups for violating its copyrights. If you have such information, contact Silicon Angst at the address listed below. General Info: SyMan is a fully-featured symbolic manipulator and graphing package designed for use within the highschool mathematics curriculum (see the included manual for more information on using SyMan ). This program is not as powerful as Theorist, Mathematica, or Maple (or MET,†Derive, or...), but it is easier to use and a LOT less expensive. The author may be contacted at the following address, in addition to the address above: Roy Wood c/o Birchmount Park C.I. 3663 Danforth Avenue Scarborough, Ontario M1N 2G2 (416) 396-6704 Please feel free to write and comment on this program or the general application of technology within the classroom. I like getting mail— electronic or otherwise. p.s. Don't change this text or the program may fail a checksum test and may reformat your hard drive unexpectedly. If you're having trouble affording the registration fee, get in touch and we'll figure something out— maybe a deal for your first-born or something.... =)